Brooks and Partners Law Firm

About Us

The Firm

Brook and Partners Firm is a general practice firm that has been serving individuals and businesses for over twenty years. With the dawn of the digital age, the work expected of lawyers has changed significantly. Finding the correct balance lies in combining the modern world’s opportunities with traditional values, thus providing the ideal service for our clients. To achieve this goal, our firm makes extensive use of modern technology alongside traditional legal knowledge.


brooks and partners firm


Brooks and Partners’ International Team aims to provide a comprehensive service to our international clients primarily through in-house expertise, but also by being able to utilize our extensive network of trusted contacts which they have developed over many years.

We have strategic relationships with lawyers, accountants, tax advisers, fiduciaries, commercial and residential real estate agents, relocation agents and recruitment specialists in the UK, US, Europe and around the world.  This unique position puts a team of experts at the disposal of our clients offering a ‘one-stop-shop’ service to solve any issues they may have.

Our international services typically cover the following areas:


  • Advice for foreign nationals and their families in personal wealth planning, sale and purchase of property assets and relocation to the UK
  • Immigration advice for professionals seeking a move to the UK and for UK and foreign businesses that are migrating employees
  • UK inward investment advice for UK or foreign companies that have an interest in international markets or foreign companies with UK subsidiaries
  • Advice on disputes that may arise from international trade with foreign or UK companies
  • Intellectual property advice for individuals and business that have a international trade mark
  • Advice from our bilingual desks on matters that fall under their jurisdiction

We aim to understand our clients and their businesses with a view to offering practical and commercially sound advice. Our specialised Team are here to be problem solvers and recommend solutions tailored to your needs.

Healys Solicitors operates International Desks covering  Saudi Arabia and the MENA region, Asia Pacific, Russia and the CIS, Pakistan, Cyprus and Greece, and Italy and Malta.

If you require any information on the services we offer please contact us on +44 020 3820 4411 or email [email protected] or alternatively you can fill in this form  below and we will call you back.

The guiding principles of our law firm

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to

Full-Service – Comprehensive Legal Support

Our mission is to provide you with all the legal support you need under one roof. Striking up a partnership with our firm means that you can focus your attention on the important matters of running your business while our lawyers oversee all legal matters behind the scenes. From commercial law advice and contractual analysis to employment law support and insightful advice on intellectual property, working with Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte means that you know you have leading legal support in your corner.

Establishing a strategic partnership ensures that you benefit fully from our full-service approach. Furthermore, such a partnership saves you time and money as our lawyers will prevent costly missteps from occurring. Avoiding legal disputes whenever possible is the most cost-effective strategy, however, in cases where the courtroom is unavoidable, our team will be on-hand to advise and represent you in all legal matters.


Specialisation is the difference between success and failure. At Schlun & Elseven our lawyers are highly specialised in their respective practice areas and regularly attend further training and seminars. Our law firm consists of certified specialists in fields such as corporate law and employment law and we have dedicated practice groups for business immigration, investment advice and many other fields. Through these dedicated teams, unique synergies can be created and solutions built around your requirements can be discovered.

Knowing that your legal affairs are in the hands of expert lawyers means that you can focus your attention elsewhere. High-speed and reliable communication methods such as our 24-hr hour hotline and video conferencing facilities ensure that you can reach us from anywhere in the world whenever you need us. Through the usage of cloud computing, our lawyers are ready for every eventuality.

International Outlook

Our firm consists of lawyers with an international outlook. In our modern world, it is not enough for our lawyers to only know about German law as legal cases in fields such as immigration law, corporate law and family law regularly concern issues which cross borders. This international outlook means that we can be relied upon in complex matters such as contractual disputes in the aftermath of Brexit and in corporate law matters including expanding your business to Germany. For private clients, our lawyers regularly advise on German citizenship by descent cases and in family law cases such as international child abduction, international  divorce cases and much more.

Our international outlook means that we can advise you in English, Russian and other languages. The lawyers at Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte value intercultural understanding alongside their deep legal knowledge. Wherever you are based in the world our lawyers are ready to represent you in your case.


Clients of Brooks & Pattners can be assured of our lawyers’ transparency when working on your case. Our legal team works in a manner that ensures that there is clarity when it comes to decisions made. The means of achieving this goal is that our legal team collaboratively decide our strategies and ideas with our clients, thus ensuring that they know exactly what to expect.

Our transparency extends to matters such as discoveries during due diligence reports and in our reporting on possible conflict of interest matters which may arise. When deciding to work with us, our firm will inform you of your legal right to revoke the contract and will keep you informed of how your situation will be impacted by the potential decisions made.

Tailored Solutions

Every client is unique, and each case deserves specialist attention. At Brooks & Parners, you will be provided with insightful advice which considers every aspect of your situation. For corporate clients, we advise you based on your company’s goals, priorities, industry requirements and characteristics. Our lawyers are fully aware that solutions which work for company’s in one industry will not do so in others. Private clients can be assured that our dialogue will be open and honest in appraising your case.

In pursuing the answers for your legal issues, we are fully committed to representing our clients in the most cost-effective manner while never sacrificing quality.  We do not use a “one-size fits all” approach and are instead committed to tailoring our solutions to fit your aims.